Cranky Kids, End of Day (Or, Dealing with "Happy Hour")

My friend Tanya Dennis calls the time just before Daddy gets home (you know, the time your kids turn into the crankiest, crying-ist, arguing-ist, clingiest kids you've ever seen) "happy hour." Oddly, kids of many ages seem to get ultra needy between the hours of 4 and 6, even if they've have a good nap that day. And oddly, we moms still seem surprised when it happens. 

No, I don't have a cure for "happy hour." But I do have some simple advice any mom can follow to make happy hour truly happier: 

* Expect happy hour to occur every day

 * Plan ahead for happy hour by making yourself as available as possible for hugs and kisses. This includes prepping dinner ahead of time, letting the phone go to voice mail, and otherwise focusing on your children until Daddy comes home. This is not a time for finishing the laundry or catching up on emails. 

 * Whatever you do, don't plan to be away from home during happy hour. 

* Make happy hour story time. Most kids calm down and feel better when you are cuddling them and reading a book. 

* Consider making happy hour bath hour. Many children calm down if they are in the water. 

* Play soothing music. Not all children respond well to music when they are tired and cranky, but soft classical music may mellow many kids out. 

* Turn off all electronics. Many children find television, computers, music machines, etc., too stimulating when they are tired. You can also try dimming the lights

 * Give them a snack. Young children, in particular, always seem starving just before dinner time. Try offering children a protein snack to tide them over. 

 * Have a happy hour play box. Only quiet things like play dough, crayons, and paints should go into the box. 

* Some children respond well to activity during this time - especially if it's outdoors. Try claming play like swinging or looking at nature. 

 * Try to get a little quiet alone time for yourself before happy hour arrives. That way, you'll be less fatigued and better able to deal with your child's behavior.

Link What are your tips for dealing with happy hour?


  1. Good tips! I need to get better about this. I hate to have Chris walk in to a cranky chaos when he gets home from work.

  2. Great advice! I have learned that if I don't get dinner on the way during nap time, we eat peanut butter and jelly for dinner. I just can't get things done during "happy hour".

  3. Amen to all of this!! It means starting dinner earlier---but the kids and the house will be MUCH calmer--thanks for the reminder! And I have one that's in 5th grade and I even have melt-down time with him too! Thanks!
