Weekend Links

Courtesy Ben Salter and Wikipedia Commons.

* I was sick in bed this week. Thank goodness I had this excellent Christian novel to read. I recommend the entire series: Spy of Richmond by Joceyln Green.

* This post about the sabbath sparked a surprising amount of controversy over on Facebook:   The Most Ignored Commandment.

* Lots of studies back up these simple ideas: How to Parent Like a German.

* It's time to raise your own pigs, or find a local farmer who raises them the old fashioned way. Why? Because scientists are busy trying to convince farmers to mess with pig hormones chemically, instead of simply, easily, and fairly painlessly castrating pigs. They assure us these chemicals won't stay in the pork and affect our own hormones. Heard that before? Ahem.

* Looking for some good Easter books to share with your kids? Check out my other blog for lots of honest reviews.

* Want some gardening inspiration? Check out my Pinterest boards!

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