Weekend Links

Stinging nettle. (Courtesy of Júlio Reis and Wikimedia Commons.)
In which I share my favorite posts from this blog's Facebook page.

* An interesting article on which forms of sugar are best for our bodies - no matter what type of diet we are on.

* Recall of Bumble Bee tuna.

* I think most of us now know that artificially colored food can create behavior problems in kids. But did you know natural food coloring can be problematic, too?

* I am skeptical of alternative treatments for cancer, because I know people who've tried them without success. Regardless, this article on doctors admitting they put people on chemo when they don't need it gives lots of food for thought.

* I have not one, but TWO, articles in the Spring issue of From Scratch magazine: One on eating dandelions, another a reprint of my popular blog post on training chickens. From Scratch is FREE, and a great resources for gardeners and homesteaders.

* Do you have the weed Stinging Nettle in your area? Did you know it's a super food, and highly medicinal? (My naturopath just recommended it for spring allergies, but it has many other uses.) And the best time of year to harvest it is spring. Click here for more information about this super weed!

* Did you know that makeup can drastically change your hormones and may cause other health problems? And teen girls may be particularly sensitive.

Oldies But Goodies:

* Attracting Bees to Your Garden
* DIY Potato Chips: Easy, Healthy, Yummy!
* 5 Safety Rules Every Kid Should Know 
* Yummy Brownies From Scratch 
* Proven Ways to Make Your Garden More Productive

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