Teaching Children About Jesus' Return

Jesus' return to earth is one of the most important things we can talk to our children about. The Bible tells us many people - even believers - will be deceived just before that time (Matt. 13:6, 22). Those who regularly read the Bible and have a personal relationship with God will have a harder time being deceived - but what about little children? What can we teach them now to help protect them should they live through the end times?

Age appropriateness is important here. For example, I wouldn't tell most preschoolers the earth as we know it could come to an end at any time. This will only frighten and upset most young kids. And while it's important for parents to consider their child's maturity before teaching them some things about the end times, it's also vital to not wait too long. This sort of thing is easy to put off, but children hunger for this kind of knowledge. If you're having trouble bringing up the topic, consider reading a children's Bible that includes the book of Revelation, like The Jesus Storybook Bible or The Big Picture Bible Storybook.

Here are some ideas of what to begin teaching your kids when they are about preschool or kindergarten age. As they grow older, you can add more details from the Bible:

* Some day, Jesus will return to the earth. (Matt. 13:26)

* Jesus said nobody knows when he will return except the Father. Therefore, we should be wary of those who try to pinpoint the date of his return. (Matt. 13: 32)

* Jesus will return the way he left after his resurrection. The Bible says Jesus went up into the sky, past the clouds, and disappeared into Heaven, so when he returns, he will come down from the sky. (Acts 1:9-11)

* The Bible says everyone on earth will see Jesus' return. (Rev. 1:7)

* The Bible also says the lights in the sky will go dark before Jesus returns. (Matt. 24:29-30)

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