Monster Meal

We're not big on Halloween at our house, but our 5 year old does love monsters and spooky things. (Her favorite cartoon is Scooby Doo.) So this afternoon, on a whim, I decided to make her a monster meal. I started with a mummy mini pizza. I spooned some pizza sauce on top of half an English muffin, then sliced an olive for the mummy's eyes. For the eyeballs, I used little bits of mozzarella cheese, which I'd bought in a package of pre-grated cheese. You could also use little bits of green or yellow pepper. Then I took cheese slices and tried to imitate a mummy's wrappings. If you have mozerella or string cheese around, use that. I only had cheddar, so that's what I used. Then I popped the mummy pizza in a 350 degree F. oven for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, I warmed some Little Smokies in the microwave. Then I carved out fingernail beds on one end of each Smokie. I cut a tortilla into pieces about 3/4 inch wide and 4 inches long, then wrapped the Smokies in them. I dabbed some catsup in the finger nail beds. Viola! Monster fingers! I also quartered an apple and sliced away the core. Then I cut out a mouth-like wedge on the skin side of one quarter. (Tip: Use a paring knife and just barely cut through the skin to create the mouth shape; then cut deeper to remove some of the apple "meat.") I added monster teeth by grabbing some peanut butter chips and laying them inside the apple monster's mouth.

For a dessert spider, I cut a length of liquorish and sliced it in quarters, then stuck them into the filling of an Oreo. (My hubby pointed out my spider didn't have enough legs; I told him that's because I ate a few before the critter made it to the table.) For the spider's eyes; I cut slices off a mini marshmallow. For the eyeballs, I used bits of liquorish. My daughter was delighted! Perhaps next time she can help me create her monster meal.
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