12 Great Summer Projects for Kids

I'm not big on scheduling a lot of things for my kids to do over the summer. I think it's best they spend most days outside playing. That said, I do think it's smart to do a little math and reading, to keep the skills up for the next school year. I also think it's wise to round out their schooling curriculum with learning projects that masquerade as play. Here are some of the things I plan to do with my 5 yr. old and my 2 yr. old this summer; those with links will take you to many more potential projects you and your kids may enjoy.

1. Make a volcano that "erupts."

2. Make a cloud in a bag. Take some damp earth and place it in a large plastic storage bag. Plant some small weeds in it. Add a tablespoon of water, making sure not to get the sides of the bag wet. Seal the bag and tape it to a sunny window. How quickly do clouds form in the bag? How soon do rain drops appear?

3. Make "icebergs" by freezing water placed in the bottom of milk cartons. Dump the icebergs into a wading pool or tub. Do they sink or float? Is most of the iceberg above or below the water? How long does it take the icebergs to melt? How do they change shape as they melt?

4. Make a "magic" spoon that makes pepper leap onto it.

5. Make a simple kite from paper. (Or try this plastic bag kite.)

6. Get up close and personal with a sprouting bean.

7. Learn to lift an ice cube with a string.

8. Explore the weight of common items. Use a bathroom or kitchen scale to weigh things like books, food, toys, and more.

9. Make your own compass.

10. Explore the aliveness of yeast.

11. Grow a vegetable garden - without dirt! Buy some carrots, turnips, and radishes with their green tops still in tact. When you get home, cut off the tops (including a half inch or so of the actual vegetable) and place them in a clear container (plastic or glass) filled with water. They will grow roots!

12. Make a toilet paper roll rocket that really zooms into the air.

1 comment

  1. These sound great, Kristina! Will have to try some with the daughter grand!
