Weekend Links

A few days ago, longtime reader Tereza commented that she visited this blog's Facebook page and was surprised to see how much information I post there that's not on the blog. It's true; I share a lot of articles by other people on Facebook - plus my own tips and tricks. (Hint: You can read my Facebook posts without having a Facebook account. Just go here.)

But I thought it might be best to begin sharing the posts I feel are most important here on the blog, too. So, here goes!

* Why it's vital to buy American made olive oil. Foreign olive oil could be fake! (Be sure to pay attention to the oil's country of origin, not the country the oil was bottled in.)

* Could you have a magnesium deficiency? I haven't slept soundly since my last child was born. I also tend to have muscle cramps/tightness. So my naturopath gave me these. Oh my goodness, what a difference! I've slept so soundly since I began taking these, and I feel a lot less stressed, too. Who knew??

* Do you love children's books and are looking for a fun ministry? Check this out.

* An interesting idea. Eco-friendly promise. $1 land. And no rulebook.

* Did you know Monsanto (creators of GMO food) sell seeds to gardeners? They aren't GMO, but few gardeners I know want to support Monsanto. There is also concern that Monsanto is trademarking the names for many heirloom varieties, and trying to become the only source for them. Here are 10 places to buy non-Monsanto seed. 

* As we head into spring, remember that getting your hands in the dirt is God's natural anti-depressant! Also remember that dirt makes for healthy kid.

* And don't feel guilty for not getting your kids in the bath every day. It's actually good for them!

* Finally, don't worry so much about "Mommy time."

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